East of KC
Mental Health Ministry

Supporting you
when life feels heavy.
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. ...Galatians 6:2

Praying one Decade of the Rosary for
Special Intentions
Praying the full five decades of the Rosary is most beneficial but when time doesn’t allow reciting one decade is a great way to pray and call on all the good graces promised in the Rosary.
Praying One Decade Adding Special Intentions Before Each Hail Mary
First, Pray The Our Father prayer,
Second, Announce the Mystery The Ascension - For the virtue of hope, and pray the Glory Be.
Third, Before each of the ten Hail Mary Prayer beads – Pray for a special intention. (found below , or insert your own special intentions)
Fourth, Lastly pray the "Hail, Holy Queen" prayer. and finish with the sign of the cross.
Before each Hail Mary Pray
· Bead 1 - For those who have family or friends that died by suicide
· Bead 2 - For guidance and protection to those who are considering suicide
· Bead 3 - For strength and courage
· Bead 4 - For guidance and the protection of Mary, our guardian angels, St. Michael, St Gabriel and St Raphael
· Bead 5 - For healing from anxiety, depression, doubt, fear or rage
· Bead 6 - For those who feel rejected by family and friends
· Bead 7 - For those that imagine they are unloved
· Bead 8 - For Priests who council and minister to those struggling
· Bead 9 - For those who feel isolated, depressed or lonely
· Bead 10 - For renewed health of body and spirit
Pray for those lives that have no spiritual dimension, they be filled with the Holy Spirit.