East of KC
Mental Health Ministry

Supporting you
when life feels heavy.
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. ...Galatians 6:2
Written and Audio Resources
Hallow app: www.hallow.com has meditations to help people with various crosses and anxieties
Click to Pray: https://clicktopray.org/campaigns/340 has Pope Francis monthly prayer intentions for those impacted by mental illness
Sanctuary Together Again: https://sanctuarymentalhealth.org/together-again/ is a card game that encourages conversations about faith, mental health, and wellbeing. The game features a mix of lighthearted and contemplative questions, offering opportunities to reflect and connect with one another.
Sanctuary course https://sanctuarymentalhealth.org/catholics/
Sanctuary course on suicide
​ 3. Breaking the silence: What I Wish People Knew Series
Restore the Glory: www.restoretheglorypodcast.com “Dr. Bob Schuchts & Jake Khym, MA are Catholic therapists with over 50 years combined experience teaching and accompanying people into fuller life and freedom.”
The Being Human https://www.catholicpsych.com/podcast “In the Being Human podcast, Dr. Greg Bottaro offers a glimpse into a totally reinvented model of therapy. Come behind the scenes and experience Dr. Greg's vision for Catholic therapy as he introduces a revolutionary approach that is finally focused on what it means to be human.”
Sanctuary Mental Health https://sanctuarymentalhealth.org/podcast/ “Can mental health challenges and faith co-exist? Join our host Sarah Kift, as she interviews theologians, writers, leaders, and people living with mental health challenges. If you want inspiration, insight, and resources to equip your community to be a sanctuary for all people, at all stages of their mental health journeys, this is the podcast for you.”
Anything from these sites are great:
1. JPII Healing Center https://jpiihealingcenter.org/store
2. Catholic Psych https://bookshop.catholicpsych.com/collections/all
3. Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers https://catholicmhm.org/documents-and-books
Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers https://catholicmhm.org/
“The Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers (CMHM) is a Lay Association of the Christian Faithful whose members are called to be a healing presence in the lives of people with mental illness. Members of the CMHM see Christ in those who live with a mental illness. Members practice a ministry of service and presence; like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37), they do not look the other way or walk past those living with a mental illness but instead pour the oil and wine of the Gospel into their lives. Members walk with people living with a mental illness to help them find the support and services that they need.
We see persons living with a mental illness as unique individuals who are not defined by their illness. They have much to offer the Church and the community because living with an illness gives them unique insights into suffering, humility, compassion, friendship and love. We work to eliminate the stigma and discrimination that people living with a mental illness encounter in the Church and in human society.”
2. Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries https://sanctuarymentalhealth.org/
“We believe that caring for mental health and wellbeing is an important part of what it means to participate in Christ’s redemptive work. Jesus came to invite all people into relationship with God, and as his disciples we are called to love one another and help one another recognize God’s presence in every circumstance and experience, including the experience of mental health challenges. This is a call that requires not only profound compassion and hope, but also education and equipping. As our organization seeks to serve the Church and respond to this call, we are shaped by the following values.”
3. The National Catholic Partnership on Disability
“Following the example of Jesus, The National Catholic Partnership on Disability works with dioceses, parishes, ministers, and laity to promote the full and meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in the life of the Church. NCPD promotes this ever-evolving mission to renovate and sustain ministry to-and-with all people with disabilities and their families through the following initiatives:“
5. JPII Healing Center https://jpiihealingcenter.org/
”To promote and inspire transformation in the heart of the Church, by healing and equipping God’s people for the New Evangelization. This mission is fulfilled in the very heart of the Church, helping people activate the fullness of their sacramental graces, while transforming their lives.”
6. The Catholic Psych Team https://www.catholicpsych.com/about-us “Creating a new standard for mental health and wellness in the Catholic Church by providing services and resources based on the integration of faithful Catholic anthropology with sound psychological science to help people become who God created them to be.”